Thursday, May 12, 2022

A Discernment Story: The Cave and the Sun!

There was once a dark cave, deep down in the ground, underneath the earth and hidden away from view.  Because it was so deep in the earth, the light had never been there.  The cave had never seen light.  The word ‘light’ meant nothing to the cave, who couldn’t imagine what ‘light’ might be.   
Then one day, the sun sent an invitation to the cave, inviting it to come up and visit. When the cave came up to visit the sun it was amazed and delighted, because the cave had never seen light before, and it was dazzled by the wonder of the experience.
Feeling so grateful to the sun for inviting it to visit, the cave wanted to return the kindness, and so it invited the sun to come down to visit it sometime, because the sun had never seen darkness. 
So the day came, and the sun entered the cave, it looked around with great interest, wondering what ‘darkness’ would be like.  Then it became puzzled, and asked the cave, ‘Where is the darkness?’  (Source Unknown)
What’s this got to do with discernment? Everything!
·         Sun and Cave entered into a relationship of generosity and hospitality.  The cave was willing to respond to the light, and in so doing, it was dazzled. Have you ever been invited by a person of light, an experience or event of light, or a place of light that offered comfort, new insights, opportunities, options, choices, or dreams that dazzled you with wonder and gratitude?
           Have you ever thought of discernment as a willingness to move out of the darkness and to open yourself to discovering your true Self in the Light?
·         Have you ever thought of God’s grace illuminating those places of resistance or fear within yourself?
·         Have you ever thought of offering hospitality to God – making space for God to enter into the depths of your inner Self – honoring your wisdom, your talents, your gifts, - and inviting you to share them and to make a difference in the world?
·         At the end of the day, practice the EXAMEN prayer – asking yourself, “Where did I experience light today?”  “Where did I experience darkness?”  “Where was God in both the light and the darkness?”

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