Thursday, July 21, 2022

Longing Prayer . . .


O God, help us to feel you;

Help us to know how precious we are to you,

that we might become at least half so precious to ourselves.


Move with us, according to your desire.

Ease our hearts, melt our harsh edges

so that we might sense how intimate you truly are.

Guide us, God in an ever more complete embrace of you,

that we might bear more of your endless embrace of us,

and thereby embrace ourselves.


Keep alive within us, O Christ, your most precious gift to us

which is our burning, longing, wordless yearning for you.

Grant to us the courage and the vulnerability and the dignity

to claim our hunger for you in every moment,

celebrating, in each instant the pain and delight of our longing.


Touch us beneath our will, opening us where we cannot open ourselves,

healing us where we cannot heal ourselves.


And, in the vibrant mystery of your Spirit within us,

accept our eternal gratitude for every act of goodness

that comes to us from another or through us for another,

for every nourishing way that souls may touch each other,

for every bit of love we share, and for the wonder,

the tender laughing touching calling beautiful wonder.


Gerald May

(Source Unknown)

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