Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In Honor of St. Francis ~ A Reflection on Brother Wind!

“St. Francis, in his famous prayer, welcomes the wind in all its manifestations and directly associates it with God’s work as Creator.  Brother Wind is seen as the Creator’s fellow-worker, the one who cherishes supports, strengthens, and invigorates other creatures . . . 
The element of wind invites us to ‘open our souls to Being,’ which means opening ourselves to a God who flows in directions we cannot predict.  This element invites us to a radical posture of surrender in releasing our hold on our own plans and making room for God to blow us in the most life-giving direction.” 

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“There are times in our lives when we feel as though we have been caught in the midst of a great storm, buffeted about by life’s unexpected turns.  Winds of change we did not anticipate may rise so suddenly we have trouble regaining our foothold. Each of the elements offers us much beauty to contemplate, but they also offer us an opportunity to meditate on the challenges of our lives and times of suffering when the firm foundation we have come to rely upon is shaken and crumbling.

Storms are an inevitable and unavoidable part of life. Sometimes the most painful part of an experience of suffering or loss is that it causes us to question our understanding of who God is and how God works in the world. Our theological frameworks begin to unravel. When we are faced with a broken relationship, a lost dream, the loss of a job, or the death of someone dear to us, our hearts are broken open.  The winds that come to blow us in a new direction are not always welcome.” 

 Blessing of Wind
"Spirit of Creation, in the beginning you blew over the waters, coaxing the earth up from the depths of the sea, and inviting all creatures to rise up on their own wings.
Spirit of Renewing Life, you breathed into me in my very first moment, invigorate me with your gifts of energy and newness. Continue to breathe expansively in me, inviting me to a vision for what  is possible in my life.

Spirit of Restlessness, stir me from my longing for comfort that so often stifles me, help me to release from the place that keep me stuck, and guide me in the direction you would have me go.

Spirit of the Great Winds, help me to hear your voice in the midst of the whirlwind of my life. Grant me the trust to hold on while I am being buffeted by life’s storms.
Blessings of wind be upon me. May my sails billow wide; May I breathe deeply the gift of inspiration; May I be carried to the place of my resurrection; May I be fully free.” 

(Excerpts from: Water, Wind, Earth & Fire by Christine Valters Paintner)

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