Monday, October 1, 2018

Morning Prayer (Part One) . . .

Too Small a Love
Author: Macrina Wiederkehr
Seasons of Your Heart (1991)

Like lightning at dawn
the All-Powerful One came
into my morning prayer!

Totally unprepared
for this kind of interruption
I froze on my knees
both in wonder and terror.
There was no morning silence left,
no comforting darkness to enfold me
only those flashes of light
that make hiding impossible.

It wasn’t exactly a surprise
I was expecting God this morning
But not like this
I was waiting for peace
I was looking for that quiet reassurance
that silence sometimes brings
I was listening for a sound of wings
hovering over me
surrounding me with care
convincing me of presence and protection.

But this?
Oh, this was awful!
God stood there
with terrible,
loving eyes,
saying only:
Your love is too small!

Standing that close to truth
felt uncomfortable, unbearable
and I tried to hid my face
the way I often do
when truth gets too close.
I tried to hid the pieces
of my terribly divided heart.

But then the light came again.

And God was standing there
even closer than before
holding the pieces of my heart
with such tenderness
still saying,
Your love is too small.

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