Friday, February 14, 2025

From the Heart!


Heart of Love, source of kindness,

Teacher of the ways of goodness,

You are hidden in the minutes of daily life

waiting to be discovered among us.

Heart of Gladness, 

Joy that sings

in our souls, 

the Dancer and the Dance,

You are Music radiating in our

cherished times of consolation.

Heart of Compassion, 

the Healing One weeping

for a world burdened and bent,

You are the heart we bring 

to the wounded and weary world.

Heart of all Hearts,

You are the Gift living 

in the depth of our lives,

connecting us with others.

Holy One, in every moment we live in your expansive love and your tender embrace.  

All around us we behold your presence.  

May we continue to expand our lives and our living, accepting the responsibility 

to be co-creators with you.  

May we live in such a way that generations to come will and say, “Radically Amazing!” 

(Judith Cannato: Radical Amazement)

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