Background: “Blindness was a very common disease in Jesus’ day. In Biblical times, blindness was primarily caused by a water duct, located beneath the eyelids, drying up. The water duct under the eyelids became dry and the eyelids became puffy and swollen, as did the eyeballs themselves. This kind of blindness was spread by flies and was aggravated by the hot desert sun and desert sands. It was a highly contagious disease and the only way to contain it was to quarantine the people who had this dreaded blindness. The Jewish people of that era believed that when the Messiah came, the Messiah would heal blindness. The prophet Isaiah said that the Messiah would heal many diseases e.g., the deaf would hear, the lame would walk, the lepers would be cleansed, and the blind would see again. Jesus healed these people of their blindness and these healings were a sign that the Messiah and Messianic age had finally arrived.”
Now as you enter a little more deeply into your own reflection, decide if you want to be part of the crowd or focus on Bartimaeus. Then enter into the scene and dialog with the crowd or Bartimaeus. Then turn your attention to Jesus’ question, “What do you want me to do for you?” This may lead to some deeper discoveries of what has be “cloaked” from your own eyes or heart that has caused you spiritual, emotional, or psychological blindness. Then, ask Jesus for what you desire as Bartimaeus did: “I want to see.” Jesus gave him his sight and he followed Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem. What would you do?
Reflect as a member of the crowd:
• Have you ever just “gone along with the crowd” and were afraid to take a stand on what you truly believed was right, good and just?
• Have you ever been part of a crowd, organization, or system that became “deaf” or “blind” to the needs of the poor or social issues in your community, neighborhoods, or churches?
• What are these social issues that cry out for healing? Here are a few: world hunger, poverty, inequality in health, education, economic needs, drugs, food, global warming/climate change, trafficking of women and children, housing, consumerism, drought, crime, etc.
• Have you ever experienced a time of courage, integrity, or hope that empowered you to break loose of your comfort zone and move out of the “go with the flow” mentality?
Reflect as in dialog with Bartimaeus or become Bartimaeus:
• To what in your life have you been blind?
• What has been your “cloak”? Your identity, job, success, pain, grief, fear, power, money, position?
• How might you respond if God were to ask you at this time, “What do you want me to do for you?"
• What will give you the courage to jump up, drop your cloak and to stand “naked” before the eyes of a loving God?
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A cry at the side of the road. |
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