Monday, January 27, 2025

Choose, Love, Create, Live . . .

Image from J.H.
What we choose changes us.
Who we love transforms us.
How we create remakes us.
Where we live reshapes us.
So in all our choosing,
O God, make us wise;
in all our loving,
O Christ, make us bold;
in all our creating,
O Spirit, give us courage;
in all our living
may we become whole.
Author: Jan Richardson

Litany of God's Names


Litany of God's Names
by Joseph Sobb, S.J.

O God of silence and quietness, you call us to be still and know you -
O God of steadfast love, your Spirit is poured into our hearts –
O God of compassion, your Word is our light and hope –
O God of faithfulness, you fill our hearts with joy –
O God of life and truth, from you we receive every gift –

O God of healing and peace, you open us to divine grace –
O God of all creation, our beginning and our end –
O God of salvation, you reconcile all things in Jesus, -
O God of Jesus, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit –
O God of Jesus, who invites us, “Come and see” –
O God of Jesus, who was tempted as we all are –
O God of Jesus, who is your pledge of saving love –
O God of Sarah and Abraham, from whom came  Jesus -
O God of Anna and Simeon, who recognized Jesus, your Son,
  as Messiah –

O God of Mary, who bore Jesus, -  
O God of Joseph, to whose fatherly care was entrusted Jesus, -
O God of all generations, of all times and seasons and peoples –
O God of our mothers and fathers, of all who have loved us –
O God of our past; O God of our future –
O God of our present, O God in our present -

Let us never forget . . .


80th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation

From Litany of Resistance, by Jim Loney

Response: Forgive us, we pray O God.
• For our hardness of the heart
• For wasting our gifts
• For wanting too much
• For wounding the earth

• For ignoring the poor
• For trusting in weapons
• For refusing to listen
• For exporting arms
• For desiring dominance
• For lacking humility

• For failing to risk
• For failing to trust
• For failing to act
• For failing to hope
• For failing to love
• For failing to negotiate
• For our arrogance
• For our impatience
• For our pride
• For our silence

Response: Change our hearts, we pray O God.
• That we learn compassion
• That we embrace nonviolence
• That we act in justice
• That we live in hope
• That we do your will
• That we love our enemies
• That we strive to be peacemakers
• That we live simply
• That we practice sharing
• That we protect the earth
• That we cherish life

Adapted from Pax Christi USA)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Psalm of Icy Awareness

"Melancholy" by artist Albert Gyorgy


The earth around my home

       is now locked in a winter wrap

       of bone-chilling snow and ice.

Water, once clear and liquid,

       a joyous, flowing community,

      Is now frozen into crystals of ice.

Recently in humanity’s long history

      there has arisen an isolation,

      a separation of those who share

      common human flesh and bone.

While once upon a time we gathered joyfully

      in families, tribes and clans,

      we now so often live divorced

      from earth and from each other,

      with loneliness as our only company.

All isolation is ice-olation,

     frigid to human flesh, cold and lifeless to the touch,

     untrue to our most basic unity, comm-unity.

And whenever I act single-handedly,

     apart from an awareness of my sisters and brothers,

     I become a deformed divine disciple.

And tribeless, O God, how can I tread the Path

     which you have designed as a companion course?

Ah, the wisdom, so divine, in your Genesis words,

     spoken to the perfectly made, fully automated Adam,

     “It is not good for one to be alone.”


  ~Edward Hayes, Prayers for a Planetary People


Prayer of Peace . . .


Dancing Francis    LaCrosse, WI

A Franciscan Prayer for Peace 

Lord, make us instruments of your Peace

In a world all too prone to violence and revenge,

We commit ourselves to the Gospel Values of

Mercy, Justice, Compassion, and Love;

We will seek daily to promote forgiveness and healing 

in our hearts, our families, and our world.

Where there is hatred, let us sow Love;

Where there is injury, let us cultivate Peace

Fear and distance prevent people from recognizing all

as brothers and sisters; 

tensions lead to violence and mistrust;

We will strive to honor the dignity that God places

in each and every human person.

Grant that we may not seek to be understood as to Understand;

To be loved as to Love

Our failure to understand the other can create exclusion 

in all its negative forms – 

racism, marginalization of those who are poor, sick, the immigrant; 

it can also create situations of domination, occupation, oppression and war.

We pledge to seek the way of solidarity, 

to create hearts, homes, and communities 

where all people will experience inclusion, hospitality, and understanding.

For it is in giving that we receive, in pardoning that we are pardoned

And in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Let us Pray:

Lord God, create in us:

-the Capacity to hear and understand the voices of those who suffer from 

every form of violence, injustice, and dehumanization;

-the Openness to receive and honor people from other cultures, languages, 

religious traditions, and geographical regions;

-the Creativity to explore new ways of communication and dialogue through

music, poetry, performing arts, and the mass media;

-the Audacity to undertake the building of communities of forgiveness, healing, 

and reconciliation.

To God who is above all and in all are the glory and the honor. Amen 

(Previously posted by Chuck Faso OFM 

Author unknown) 

January 26, 2025: Pilar Siman Preaches for the Third Sunday in Ordinary ...

A Call to Renewal in Jubilee Hope for People and the Planet


– Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF, Ph.D. 


Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10

Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15

1 Corinthians 12:12-30

Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21




January 2025 marks several significant anniversaries for Christians across the globe. First, is the 17-hundreth Anniversary of the Nicene Creed – the one creed common to all Christians that explicitly names God as “the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.” The second, is the 10th Anniversary of the promulgation of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si – On the Care for Our Common Home. And third, is the 2nd Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum – a reminder that our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being requires careful treatment of one another and all creation.  Indeed, everything is connected!

We need not look far to see the many ways that the New Year brought with it, numerous divisions and challenges to all areas of life. These all require our attention. Especially threatening are recent unprecedented “Natural Disasters” – fires such as those recently experienced in California, floods, droughts, heat waves – and predictions that extreme events will increase in frequency in coming years. Along with these – there has been a major uptick in “Climate Anxiety” – especially among youth across the globe.

One month ago, on Christmas Eve, Pope Francis announced the “Jubilee of the Year 2025.” This celebration has deep roots in the life of the Hebrew people, our ancestors in faith (Leviticus 25: 8-31). Jubilee was a time for them to make a “fresh start” – a reordering of the community that enabled every person and the land to regain what was needed to thrive: property was returned to families; land was not cultivated; property sold between Jubilee years was considered leased; The land was shared equally by all members of the people of God; Land monopolies were denounced; and, The poor were not to be shut out.

In today’s First Reading, the Hebrew people have recently returned from exile in Babyalon, where they were not able to freely practice their faith.  They have rebuilt Jerusalem, and they now hear the Torah read, learning anew the holistic, community-oriented life that God desires, including communal Sabbath (Gen 2:2); Sabbatical (Ex 20:8-11); Jubilee (Lev 25:8-31). With this renewed faith and freedom, they now can celebrate renewed community life, as God intended.

In a similar vein, Paul reminds the Christian community about the importance of the holistic, interconnected, communal life that Jesus founded: “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ.  For in one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body, … and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. … God placed the parts, each one of them/us, in the body as he intended.” (1 Cor 12).

The Bible teaches that every man and woman is created out of love and made in God’s image and likeness (cf. Gen 1:26). This shows us the immense dignity of each person, “who is not just something, but someone. … capable of self-knowledge, of self-possession and of freely giving himself and entering into communion with other persons.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1700) … How wonderful is the certainty that each human life is not adrift in the midst of hopeless chaos, in a world ruled by pure chance or endlessly recurring cycles! (LS #65)

The experience of the Babylonian captivity provoked a spiritual crisis which led to deeper faith in God. Now divine creative omnipotence was given pride of place in order to exhort the people to regain their hope in the midst of their wretched predicament. (LS #74)

In the Christian understanding of the world, the destiny of all creation is bound up with the mystery of Christ, present from the beginning: “All things have been created though him and for him” [Col 1:16]. (LS #90)

“It cannot be emphasized enough how everything is interconnected. Time and space are not independent of one another, and not even atoms or subatomic particles can be considered in isolation.” (#138) “If we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously” (LS #11).

In this New Year of Jubilee, let us strive to follow Jesus, and join in bringing renewal to our spirits, good news to poor people, and the whole creation (Lk 4:18-19)!


Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF, Ph.D.

The Erica and Harry John Family Professor Emerita of Catholic Theological Ethics

Catholic Theological Union – Chicago, IL

God of the Great Gaze . . .



A Prayer for Prophets

God of the Great Gaze,
We humans prefer satisfying un-truth
to the Truth that is usually unsatisfying.

Truth is always too big for us,
and we are so small and afraid.

So you send us prophets and truth speakers
to open our eyes and ears to your Big Picture.

Show us how to hear them, how to support them,
and how to interpret their wisdom.

Help us to trust that your prophetic voice
may also be communicated through our
words and actions. 
 May we practice a spirit of discernment
and a stance of humility,
so that your Truth be spoken, not our own.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Prophet,
for we desire to share in your Great Gaze, Amen.
(Author Unknown)

The Time of Now . . .


This Time

To everything a season, a time for every purpose under heaven
and yet this time out of all other times is special
A moment of grace,
A kairos time,
A time for urgency when there is no time
A window opened on eternity where all is possible
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to understand
A time to risk all that has not been risked before
so that we might flow with all that God intends.

A time to seize because it will not come again.
A time to place our lives where words have been.
A time for bridges to be built and others crossed, and others burned,
because there is no going back.
A time to leave the past behind because the present, this precious “now,”
is Holy Ground and from it the future beckons.
To leave the past, and not to do so lightly.
To take it out and dare to look and name what has been done                       
and cannot be undone.

To allow the pain to surface.
To give voice to silent wounding, that, hearing, and being heard,
we might with due and holy reverence allow the dying to take place,
and, picking up the pieces that give life, to travel on;
our burden now a cleansed and sanctified inheritance;
one that puts into our step a spring and into our hearts
a flame of hope that cannot be extinguished.

This time so fragile and so priceless, gift of God to you and me
to grasp and to embrace, to give it all we’ve got;
and, in the giving and receiving, to learn to celebrate the Presence of the One
who in His mercy and Her grace has given one more time.

~Reverend Ruth P.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Ponderings . . .

 The Work of Christmas

When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among others,
To make music in the heart.

Howard Thurman

Friday, January 10, 2025

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.


"After preaching at Washington Cathedral on March 31, 1968, King went to Memphis in support of sanitation workers in their struggle for better wages. There, he proclaimed that he had been “to the mountain-top” and had seen “the Promised Land,” and that he knew that one day he and his people would be “free at last.” On the following day, April 4, he was cut down by an assassin’s bullet."

Prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr.

Gracious God, you create us and love us; you make us to live together in a community. We thank you for Martin Luther King, Jr. and all your children who have been filled with your vision for our lives and who have worked to make bring your vision into reality. Fill us with your vision. Guide us to live by your vision, working to build the beloved community where everyone is welcomed, all are valued, power is shared, privilege is no more, and all your children know wholeness and well-being. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

(Source Unknown)

A Litany for Martin

 (Previously posted)

A Litany for Martin:

I wrote the following litany for the interfaith MLK Day celebrations this year, and for Prayers of the People in my parish. Please feel free to use, share, modify and apply to your particular contexts if you desire.  –Rev. Charles Graves, IV

Let us Pray: when I say “Hallelujah” please respond “Amen!”

Holy God, Divine Spirit, Ruler of All, We thank you this day for all who are gathered here, and all across this nation and across this earth, fighting for justice, striving for peace. We thank you for all those who are no longer with us, whose battles have ended, who fought the good fight and who have finished the race. Hallelujah, – Amen

For those who stood up, and for those who sat down. For those who marched and for those who ran. For those who wrote and for those who prayed, for those who preached, and for those who sang, and for those who gave of themselves in every way, we say “Thank you”. Hallelujah, – Amen

And we thank you especially for a man named Martin, born some ninety years ago this very weekend. Help us to stand in his footsteps and of so many others with whom we could not and would not be standing here together. Hallelujah, – Amen

Spirit of Justice, Mother of Wisdom, Protector of the Oppressed, We stand in a divided nation and a divided earth. Give us strength always to stand together against every form of violence and evil, oppression and degradation. Hallelujah, – Amen

Grant us daily the courage to protect the immigrant and the widow, the underpaid and the overworked, the imprisoned and those with nowhere to lay their head. Empower us to never be impressed by unjust power and oppressive wealth. Hallelujah, – Amen

Bless us to be vulnerable to your healing and reconciling love. May we acknowledge the ways we corrupt and denigrate one another, make amends, and always return to the Way of Love. Hallelujah, – Amen

Draw us together in relationship to you and one another, that Becoming Beloved Community may be our constant refrain from generation to generation.
And may it all be so in the name of the One who is the Source of all things.
Hallelujah, – Amen


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Jesus' Baptism~ A purpose driven life!

In 2002, Baptist pastor, Rick Warren published his book, The Purpose Driven Life. In the first year of its publication, there were over 11 million copies sold.  Within 4 years there were over 30 million copies sold and it became an international best seller translated into more than 50 languages. Why was this book so popular? Could it be that in today’s pop culture and social networking the messages that come to us are - we don’t have enough, we are not good enough, and we are not enough – which leaves people “wobbly within” and anxious to have someone help them understand God’s purpose and path for their lives?  Or could it just be that we fear to slow down, to become quieted, and still  - attempting to avoid pondering the questions that everyone eventually faces in life, which are: Why am I here?  What is my purpose?

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus has been walking around with the same questions – yet something happened to Jesus when he was baptized. He was changed – charged – transformed! Something spectacular happened – the heavens opened, the Spirit came upon him, and there was cloud-talk with a voice that said, “You are my beloved. With you I am well pleased.” Nothing like high drama and special effects to get our attention! With these intimate and consoling words, Jesus was changed forever and charged with the energy of the Spirit as he came up from the waters of the Jordan. His purpose was revealed. His mission was announced. No discernment or searching needed. All he need do in his short earthly life is to become it – his mission, his purpose!! As John Dear writes: “God does not mince words or make small talk. God gets right to the heart of the matter.”

As baptized followers of Jesus, we, too, stand in readiness, in vulnerability, in authenticity as we hear in our depths that God says to each one of us, “You are my beloved.”  We, too, are charged by the Spirit to claim, accept, honor, and embrace who we are – for we are beloved!

This being beloved carries personal, spiritual, social, interpersonal, and global implications. If we are willing to take this seriously, it means that we as God’s beloved have to be open to the awesome and wonderful news that every other human being in the world is also a beloved daughter or son of God – it means that we are all one; we are all chosen; we are all called to bring sight to the blind, release to those held captive, light to those who wander in darkness, and justice to those who are oppressed.

As followers of Jesus, we share in his baptism, his ministry, his death and resurrection. It means that just as Jesus heard the cloud-talk-affirmation, “You are my beloved,” God says to each of us, “You are my beloved.” God is loving us, affirming us; God is delighting in us, and calling all of us into our true Self, and to our true purpose.

Contemporary Litany of St. Agnes


Francisco de Zurbarán 1598–1664

Blessed spouse of Christ,
 Protect victims of domestic violence.

Victim of Divine love,
 Bring an end to hatred in all its forms.

Glorious martyr of Jesus Christ,
 Strengthen those who face martyrdom.

Wonderful example of fortitude,
 Stand with those tempted to return to their addictions.

Despiser of torment and death,
 Give the grace of a happy death to the terminally ill.

Conqueror of the whole world,
 Bring peace to the war-torn parts of the world.

Flower of innocence,
 Protect children from sexual abuse.

Model of humility,
 Gift the rich with generosity of heart.

Example of religious virtue,
 Give us insight into our prejudices.

Protectress of the weak,
 Help the voiceless claim their voice.

Advocate of the tempted,
Soften the hearts of those tempted toward violence.

Special patroness of youth, 
 help our children resist the lure of drugs.

Great favorite of heaven,
 Answer the prayers we offer with all devotedness.

By Sister Patricia Hayes, CSA

January 21, Feast of Agnes of Rome


Agnes - A woman before her time!

Someone once wrote: “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”  Today, January 21st, we gather to remember and to celebrate St. Agnes of Rome, under whose patronage the Sisters of St. Agnes were founded. She declared herself Christian in a pagan society and committed herself to remain virgin in a patriarchal culture.  She gave testimony that she had chosen Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior with the public sacrifice of her life.

Much of her life and death are surrounded by legend, but early writings tell us that Agnes was born into a wealthy and powerful Roman Christian family and, according to tradition, she suffered martyrdom at the age of 12 or 13 during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian on January 21, in the year 305.

The story is told how the Prefect Sempronius wished Agnes to marry his son, for women, at that time, were property of the State and had children to promote the State’s agenda.  But Agnes refused a forced marriage and remained adamant that she had consecrated her virginity to Jesus Christ.  Her refusal was considered an act of treason and punishable by death.  At that time, Roman law did not permit the execution of virgins, so Sempronius had a naked Agnes dragged through the streets to a brothel.  In one version of the story, it is said, that as she processed through the streets, Agnes prayed, and her hair grew and covered her entire body.

Some also asserted that all of the men who attempted to rape her were immediately struck blind.  She was sentenced to death with many other Christian companions who refused to worship the Roman gods and to pay homage to the emperor as divine.

Agnes grew up in a patriarchal culture, whose religion included many gods – a religion of laws, customs, and prescriptions that no longer had the power to define her.  Agnes chose a new way of life – a life of virginity.  She was resolute in choosing her own power in Christ to define her new identity.

So what is the Good News for us today?

  • Our God continues to invite everyone to live with hope, trust, courage, and faith.  We are all called to be witnesses of the Risen Christ. 
  • As women and men religious, associates, friends, and partners in ministry, it is on such a feast as today, that we are invited to ponder our own witness to our faith and the values of our Christian lives.
  • That like Agnes, when we find ourselves standing “naked” in our vulnerabilities, limitations, powerlessness, doubts, dilemmas, and decisions that affect the social, economic, cultural, religious, and political challenges of life, may we more and more learn to call upon the Spirit for guidance, grit, and grace – for it is in God that we live and move and have our being.
    Tomb of St. Agnes in Rome

Monday, January 6, 2025

Christmas ponderings from the past . . .

 Christmas Eve Reflection GOSPEL LK 2:1-14

Recently I had to have the battery in my watch replaced. So I went to my favorite jewelers, and while I was waiting, the saleswoman asked if she could share with me the story of her seven-year-old son. It seems that their church had just selected the cast of characters for its annual Christmas play, and her son had been chosen to be Joseph, an obvious honor for this young boy. Then, imitating her son’s enthusiastic reaction upon hearing this wonderful news, she placed her hands upon her heart, and smiling, shared his precious exclamation: “Oh, thank you.  I have waited all my life for this!”

God, too, had waited a lifetime, in fact, for an eternity to become flesh within Mary’s womb and within the world of humanity!  Tonight we are invited to share in the story of Luke’s account of the nativity, a narrative that is highly charged with social, religious, and political overtones. He wrote this specifically for his Gentile/Christian audience and emphasizes that this divine child has humble origins, with no royal trappings surrounding his birth. He is born during the course of a journey; the first guests to his birthday party are the marginalized shepherds. He is a child for all people, of all nations.

In our Gospel, we further contemplate the scene that is depicted so vividly: Mary and Joseph are transients, equivalent to the homeless of our city streets. She is a young woman in a patriarchal society, living in an occupied nation, and brought her child into the world in the manner of enormously disadvantaged people, that is, without the security of a home.  

Mary and Joseph have traveled some 7-10 days to Bethlehem, so as to be counted like sheep and registered according to the dictates of the government.  Bethlehem was an arduous 94-mile journey from Nazareth, and Mary, in the last weeks of her pregnancy, rode on the back of a donkey. Scholars assert that one could not travel this journey except in the twilight or early hours of the morning, as both the heat of the day and the darkness of the night drove people to cover. There were no hotels, restaurants, or waysides, and sojourners carried water, perhaps some figs, olives, and a loaf of bread, and slept on the side of the road. It was a difficult, dangerous, and grueling journey for anyone, but in particular, for a young woman in the last stages of her pregnancy. Indeed, it is quite reasonable to assume that no health care provider would ever recommend either the journey or the primitive mode of transportation for a woman preparing to bring her child into the world.

Bethlehem is crowded with others who have made a similar journey, and the expectant parents seek shelter, but to no avail. Finally, they are directed to a cave, where they shelter with village animals. Upon the birth of her child, Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes, the traditional Palestinian way of securing a newborn, and laid him in a manger. 

Meanwhile, the first to hear the message of the miraculous yet humble birth were shepherds tending their flocks in the fields, laborers of low economic and social rank. They hurried to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and the child just as the angels had said. There, within the simple cave, the displaced couple, the manger, and the shepherds came together to form the clear image that our God comes to the world through the poor, the marginalized, the powerless, and the oppressed.  

However, if we listen between the lines of Luke’s account, we will hear a foreshadowing of who this divine child will be as told through the images, intimations, and figurative language in this sacred story.   

This child, too, will one day ride a donkey into a crowded city, seeking an inn with an upper room to celebrate the Passover. There will be no straw-filled manger, but his whole life will be a sacred table of welcoming and mercy, and he will name himself as bread, wine, the Way, the Life, and a shepherd who is good.

Raised as a carpenter, he will be familiar with the feel of the wood beneath his beaten body, remembering the smell of Joseph’s small shop. He will be laid in the arms of his loving and faith-filled mother once again, as he is removed from his cross. He will be wrapped in a linen cloth, much like his swaddling clothes from his moments of birth; but now, they will embrace him in his death.  He will be laid in a cave-like tomb, not warm with the breath of animals nor shielded by the loving protection of Joseph as he was in the stable at Bethlehem.

Then, with an inconceivable and unfathomable mysterious movement, God will bring forth a cosmic energy that will move away stones and break through boundaries and fears, and God will raise Jesus as the Christ born again in every heart of humanity. 

Yes, even angels will gather once again upon his rising from death to new life and will sing of his glory as Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Wonder-Counselor, and Prince of Peace. Jesus will have waited for this all his life!

This night’s story is known and re-enacted in almost every country throughout the world, children dressing up as shepherds, wise ones, Mary and Joseph, angels and innkeepers, sheep and camels. Yet, what does it mean for all of us?

Each of us this evening is invited to reflect on our own nativity story, recalling the images, details, visitors, and celebrations. We each have been given the task of carrying forward the dreams, the vision, and the mission of our God. Our faith does not depend upon an empty tomb or a lowly stable. Our hope does not cause us to look to the heavens for angel choirs or cosmic convergences of planets or celestial constellations.

But let it be known, “that the mystery of the nativity is that love is made incarnate every time it deepens in us.” As we grow in love individually, as a community, and as a people of God, we make love more present in the world. “As Christmas is born again in each of us, it comes forth again into the world.” No matter where we live, work, play, grieve, or celebrate, the message and mystery of the Incarnation cannot be brought out once a year like the nativity set decorations under our tree. 

It is our everyday challenge to accept our call to carry on God’s dream and vision for all humanity. . . And in the words of Pope Francis . . . We are “to go forth and preach the Gospel to all: to all places, on all occasions, without hesitation, reluctance or fear. The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded....   That is what the angel proclaimed to the shepherds in Bethlehem: ‘Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people.”

Finally, since this is the season and night of story, let us be people of the story . . . stories of faith, hope, resilience, and love, as we continue to share in the Word, the breaking of the Bread, the cup of Wine, the sign of peace; and, shortly hereafter, leave for our homes, following the light of the stars . . . for God has waited an eternity for us this night. 

And so we pray:

“Light looked down and saw darkness.  “I will go there,” said light.

Peace looked down and saw war.  “I will go there,” said peace.

Love looked down and saw hatred.  “I will go there,” said love.

So the God of Light, The Prince of Peace,

The King of Love, came down and crept in beside us.”   (Rev. John Bell)


Jean Hinderer, CSA

A Christmas reflection from the past . . .

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A Blessing of Hope . . .


Rough Translations by Jan Richardson

Hope nonetheless.

Hope despite.

Hope regardless.

Hope still.

Hope where we had ceased to hope.

Hope amid what threatens hope.

Hope with those who feed our hope.

Hope beyond what we had hoped.

Hope that draws us past our limits.

Hope that defies expectations.

Hope that questions what we have known.

Hope that makes a way where there is none.

Hope that takes us past our fear.

Hope that calls us into life.

Hope that holds us beyond death.

Hope that blesses those to come.

From: Circle of Grace, Wanton Gospeller Press, Orlando, FL, 2015 

©Jan Richardson. 

Prayer for Hope . . .


Help Us to Hope 

O loving God,

we thank you for bringing us the rivers and streams of this world.

May the rivers we know be an image of the stream

that you want to flow within each one of us.

Teach us now, take away all fear,

dare to let us believe that we could really be a small part

of a reconstructed society, that we could build again.

Take away our cynicism.

Take away our lack of hope.

Take away our own anger and judgments.

We thank you for the faith and the desire that is in our hearts.

You have planted it there. Now help us to preserve it,

protect it and increase it.

We long for vision, God.

We need vision and we know we will perish without it.

Help us open each new day to a new meaning,

to a new hope, to a deeper desiring.

Show us your face, loving God, and we will be satisfied.

We ask for all this in Jesus’ name.

AMEN. (Richard Rohr, ofm)

Hope Against Darkness: The Transforming Vision of Saint Francis in an Age of Anxiety (2001)